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Friday, October 31, 2008

Out of the Box(es): Part 2

I found a photo of a young lady in my hubby's old diary. At the back of the photo is written "...every step is closer to you, everything I do reminds me of you, everything I do, I'll do it for you.." (Bryan Adams?..heheh). Then she concluded something in Malay about taking care of their relationship. Now, how did I react to that? Well, I think it is just so sweet. Of course it is sweet as it took place more than 10 years ago, if it was written just recently, I'll ignite World War III as soon as he comes home!

My point is, I wonder what happened to them? I heard from my hubby that the girl left him for another friend..ouch! Well, been there, done that. (I know the person who I have wronged visits my blog once in a while, so, dear ____, if you are reading this, I hope you have forgiven me..friends for eva, ok) :).

Ah..well, my hubby told me he used to have this picture of the kind of woman he wanted for a wife. Mind you, I do not fit in any the criteria. He liked women who are demure, innocent looking, 'properly' attired and sweet and submissive, I guess. Well, he got the total opposite! I wonder why he took the risk of getting close to me, when he knew back then I was..(what was I? Lyana and Mimi, please explain, what was I?).

I wish to be sweet, demure, submissive and everything nice..but I can't. At least I am thankful that I am honest and that I don't like to muddle into other people's business. Yes, I get in trouble once in a while, but I like it! Hehehhe..Then I will try my best to get out of the trouble and I'm fine.

I do not keep any momentoes from the past. I used to have them, but then, sadly to say, my hubby disposed of them away. I was kinda sad when I learnt about it, but I guess I understand how he must have felt at that instance. By the way, this took place when our marriage was still young. I don't really care much about those photos, cards, teddy bears and other stuff presented to me. It was the thought that matters most, at least I knew those lads used to have some sort of a feeling towards me, and that they were not afraid to let me know. Well, in the past, I believe the feeling was mutual. So, I'll cherish the fond memories.

What I have before me today is the one that matters most. I know marriage is a gamble, and I am not planning to be the loser nor the winner. I believe both hubby and I should enjoy the equal share of this blissful liasion. Last night, after going through his effects, I believe God has answered my prayer I made when I saw him on his way to the mosque on campus, back in 1999. I am not sure if he reflects upon his life today or not, but as for me, I am contented.

He told me not to change into the 'ideal woman' he wanted in the past, as he fears that this will make him to lose me as a person, whom he took the risk of getting to know to. I think that is just so sweet. He is no Mr. Romantic and that sometimes his Sabahan dialect seems rather harsh to my liking, but he is my Hero.

He does not read my blog (as he said too wordy and no pictures), I do not complain. Some people have limitations...hahhaha. Ah well, that's Suzalie, the man God sent from Heaven to be my man and the father to my kids..Wonder where he got so much patience dealing with a person like me? God, I love him...


Anonymous said...

if u ask me.. u r sweet, witty, humorous and honest and all of these make u a good person/friend to me. If Ida Hariati is one 'skema' girl, dari dulu lagi aku taknak kawan dgn u..hihih.
btw, husband aku pun not mr romantic..lantak la labu..if romantic kang ramai lak pompuan minat..hihi
p/s - teringat lak tetiba sesi sembang cerita p.ramlee dgn u masa kita kt campus..hihi

lenzaidi said...

Come out of the closet? and more beans spilt?arghhh.

Ida, be careful whats in the boxes.lol.But as long as we can laugh off the matter, no heart is broken and no feeling is hurt.

The new condo would perhaps bury many told and untold stories for its a sign of a new beginning in marriage life and whats beautiful is suzalie and Ida's Dream life.Period.

Be who you are for he has seen you, live with and the union between you two is just too perfect to miss and ignore.

I love everything new and white prestine..Moving to a new resident of your choice, new kitchen cabinet, cooker,new washroom and IDa what matters now?

Have a nice weekend.

Mama Huptihup said...

i agree with mimi :D..u jenis yg x kacau org and tak suka mgata org...org je suka mgata kat u kan..kan...:D...but u are a good roomate/friend to us...

reading this post, i pun pernah terserempak yusuf punya harta karun zaman dulu2...nnt i write about it...

Isteri kan cermin suami..baik dia, baiklah kita :D...so kalau kita rasa suami kita baik, maknanya kita pun baik la jugak sbb Allah dah kata wanita yang baik utk lelaki yg baik, begitu jugak sebaliknya :D

lenzaidi said...

'Rose would love to think that she is the wanita baik for this suami yang baik'.;-)

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

dear mimi and lyana,

sob..sob..i am so touched by the credits given to me. I am so greatful for having the chance to be your roomate.

You ladies were, in fact still are, my shoulder(s) to cry on..and yes, I have done lots of crying in the past...

I was in DEEP trouble towards the end of my studies, and you ladies kept me strong..sob..sob. (Ingat lagi Mimi bancuh milk for me..gosh I'm at work now and tears are falling..uhuk..uhuk).

I used to fall really sick, and you ladies got suspicious, contacted my parents and called the ambulance to send me to the clinic, rasanya i u all tak de masa tu, mesti i dah mati kering..thanks so much darlings..

I might not be the best person in the world, but God knows I'm trying my best...naugthy mcm pelesit tu, biasa lah..my nature..hehehhe...

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Dear Len,

I think you are cool. I've never had a colleague who is very broad-minded as your good self. You are honest, kind and a workaholic...hahah. I am glad to have you as a friend. Cuma I jeles lah, you awet muda..apa rahsia..kasi tau sia lah, bah..:)

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Oh yes, Mimi, ada orang jantan ni bila ngan bini dia kurang romantik, bila ngan pompuan lain...bukan main..I tau lah, this is through my personal observation, ceh..meluat lah!

Mama Huptihup said...

dear ida..seriously, i don't remember the incident u mentioned..are u sure I was there?? ni u kena cerita balik the whole situation ni..i tak ingat lgsg nih....

lenzaidi said...

Im kewl huh? ive tried and trained myself to be one.. losing one's head is just not elegant lol , besides at this age i just couldnt afford to be negative,it saps up my ole energy and strength.Orang tua kena kerja kuat sikit lah sebab dah lembab hahahah.

Apa nak jeles.At your age you are still as jambu as ive thought you so.And bearing 4 babies is no laughing joke at your age considering some of our neighbours balooned to undefining figure.I have no idea how you have shade off baby fat and looking so deliciously slim hahaha.Not that im that observant.

That remind me of Angeline Jolie who has shrank to painfully thin after just few months delivery. Read she was put on this diet.But bringing up 6 kids within a short frame of time(lucky dia deliver 2 times and adpoted the three)and with that bone frame,im worried that would invite some health problems.She must have taken dozen of vitamins and protein diets.

Pssstttttt, Macam biasa lah, Sia minum satu gelas( patutnya 3 gelas air masak ) ;-( selepas bangun tidur dan selawat atas Nabi S.A.W. I swear on meditation too(breathing exercises) and some fav yoga poses.Tak ada apa juga lah.

Ida Hariati Hashim said...


U ni tak ingat pulak, adalah, masa tu i demam panas..my parents dtg and ambulance UIA amik i hantaq p clinic..i was in kain batik je..muka huru-hara, tak glemer langsung...hahahha...

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Hahahha Len, u are the first female friend ever to say "you look delicious lah" right to my face, hahahhahah. My hubby said that's sexual harassment, but i figure he was just plain jealous..hahahhaha.

Just yesterday, i tried to do yoga in the darkness of the dawn, but tiba-tiba ada saja org (hubby) kacau bah, dia ingat i was suggesting something else...hahhahahahha. So tak jadik yoga, bah...

Ni sia cuba mau kasi kurang berat badan, bah..kambang sudah bah sia..hahahha.

I wonder what is Val doing, lama ndak dengar cerita. :)

lenzaidi said...

Sexual harassment? i didnt even say that to you in person but mere utterence on virtual space and sexual harassment from one lady says to another? Its purely admiration couple with a tinch of green eyes hahah.
Tulung tulung kasi tahu sama dia tu.ini bukan harrasment bah okay.
Ndak jadi yoga, bule yoga dengan dia bah lol.
I still do my yoga despite the fatwas.I know what im doing bah.

Val is always bz with her works in the office and the three boys.
Say hello to her in the blog.

lenzaidi said...


Mama Huptihup said...

ooooo i think i dah ingat skit2 kot bila u mentioned pakai kain batik and all haha...

kak rose, i wonder lah how u look like? :D..ni ckp2 sabah ni mesti org sabah jugak kan? boleh le join ckp sabah..saya terrer gak ckp sabah tp slang org putih le haha

lenzaidi said...

Do you know an indonesian actress by this name Rima Melati.uhuh i sedikit cantik dari dia ni hahahah. Im from Sabah, mixed parentage of Jawa and Pakistan.My datuk is a pastun from North Pakistan, and nenek from Surabaya. My mum married a jawa so im more to Jawa but with a streak feature of pakistani.Ida missed that one out.

Do you learn any norwegian language?

Mama Huptihup said...

dear kak rose, i tak kenal rima melati but have heard the name b4 :D...boleh la i imagine mana yg patut, kalau dah lagi lawa dr actress indon tu mmg la lawa benar le...depa tu semua lawa2, agaknya sbb mkn byk jamu kot..norwegian? bole la skit2 taraf budak2 sekolah rendah tu haha...

Ida Hariati Hashim said...

Len, i think u ada features pashtun sikit le..hidung mancung bah..