I tak suka bising-bising pepagi, but I simply cannot help it. Last night, I retired to bed earlier than usual, so hubby and the kids were left surfing the Net. I am usually the last to bed but the first to get up. But semalam I was mentally exhausted (due to work and tak pasal-pasal kena marah dek ada orang ni yang ingat I buat-buat cerita!), so I went to sleep rather early. It is my habit to inspect that everything is OK and put everything in order before going to bed, but as I was in a state of half dead last night, I pejam mata je and terus tidur. (Hate to see the house in a mess when I wake up).
So bila I bangun pagi ni, I dah expect la the mess...Mak oii, menyirap darah tengok! Rupa-rupanya bapak and the kids stayed up entah sampai pukul berapa, kira joli katak la watching youtube sambil makan dan minum. Now, I tak marah kalau nak menjamu selera, tapi jangan la berhamburan (kata orang Sabah) sana-sini. I benci nak bising-bising berleter pepagi ni, but I cannot help it la sebab dah banyak kali bagitau. Yes, we have the maid to clean up, but kesian la kat dia.
I tengok lately ni my house macam tak terurus, yeah, things are clean, but I tak puas hati la, jenuh la i dok train my kids makan elok-elok kat dining table, jangan berjalan-jalan, tapi lately I tengok everything has gone haywire. I am no superwoman nak pegi kemas hari-hari and how much can you expect from the maid? I think I la pompuan paling bising pagi tadi, geram tau..time I tengah mengomel, tetiba Adam took out a starfruit from the fridge and started to slice it using a sharp knife..ON MY BRAND NEW WHITE KITCHEN COUNTER! Astagfirullah...berapa kali nak cakap, jangan buat macam tu.
My hubby cakap kekadang I bising macam my Uci, maybe kurang sikit la, so he generalized semua pompuan Rawa mulut bising. So I told him, kalau nak wife diam je tak bising, pegi carik yang bisu! I wonder if other concerned mothers out there berleter at home, so far I belum jumpa lagi a mother who remains demure and patient when her house is in a mess.
I rasa kat condo I ni suara I la yang paling audible, firstly because I am a teacher, hence loud, secondly selalu nag. I cannot help it la. Pernah dulu I try dok diam je saja tgk akai my kids bersiap pegi sekolah, dah pulak my hubby bising. Orang lelaki kalau dia marah buruk bunyinya, punya la kasaq, especially bila dia guna bahasa Sandakan nya.
I am working, dah pulak tu 7.20am dah kena clock in, umah 8km je from school, tapi traffic jam dia punya la dasyat. I leave home at 6.35am and arrive school at 7.22am, and 7.21am dah merah on the punch card. Honestly, semanjak start sekolah ni baru 3 kali I awal...tension ke tak? You cannot expect me to leave the house at 6.20am, sapa nak supervise my kids? What much can a father does? Karang kena aikido my kids dek bapak dia pepagi, as dia pun blood senang go upstairs! My kids ni lain sikit, Adam especially, bila mandi kena tanya gosok gigi ke tak, dah sabun seluruh badan ke, sikat rambut biar kemas..semalam dia pegi sekolah pakai singlet terbalik. Sarah pulak, kalau you tak observe, pakai kasut pun terbalik. Tension ke tak?

Kalau la I mati besok, macam mana la bebudak ni? Masa I pegi Japan 8 hari pun, my hubby took care of the boys only, the girls dok dgn my mom as the maid balik kampung. So Alhamdulillah bila I balik umah tak le macam tongkang pecah.
Ni keje sekolah bertimbun lagi ni, Thursday ni nak kena observe pulak. Keja umah pun banyak ni, kena tutor the kids lagi. Luckily ada cuti Thaipusam, so long weekend, if I keje on Saturday, I've only Sunday to rest and settle housechores..I simply cannot wait for 15 April 2009.
So bila I bangun pagi ni, I dah expect la the mess...Mak oii, menyirap darah tengok! Rupa-rupanya bapak and the kids stayed up entah sampai pukul berapa, kira joli katak la watching youtube sambil makan dan minum. Now, I tak marah kalau nak menjamu selera, tapi jangan la berhamburan (kata orang Sabah) sana-sini. I benci nak bising-bising berleter pepagi ni, but I cannot help it la sebab dah banyak kali bagitau. Yes, we have the maid to clean up, but kesian la kat dia.
I tengok lately ni my house macam tak terurus, yeah, things are clean, but I tak puas hati la, jenuh la i dok train my kids makan elok-elok kat dining table, jangan berjalan-jalan, tapi lately I tengok everything has gone haywire. I am no superwoman nak pegi kemas hari-hari and how much can you expect from the maid? I think I la pompuan paling bising pagi tadi, geram tau..time I tengah mengomel, tetiba Adam took out a starfruit from the fridge and started to slice it using a sharp knife..ON MY BRAND NEW WHITE KITCHEN COUNTER! Astagfirullah...berapa kali nak cakap, jangan buat macam tu.
My hubby cakap kekadang I bising macam my Uci, maybe kurang sikit la, so he generalized semua pompuan Rawa mulut bising. So I told him, kalau nak wife diam je tak bising, pegi carik yang bisu! I wonder if other concerned mothers out there berleter at home, so far I belum jumpa lagi a mother who remains demure and patient when her house is in a mess.
I rasa kat condo I ni suara I la yang paling audible, firstly because I am a teacher, hence loud, secondly selalu nag. I cannot help it la. Pernah dulu I try dok diam je saja tgk akai my kids bersiap pegi sekolah, dah pulak my hubby bising. Orang lelaki kalau dia marah buruk bunyinya, punya la kasaq, especially bila dia guna bahasa Sandakan nya.
I am working, dah pulak tu 7.20am dah kena clock in, umah 8km je from school, tapi traffic jam dia punya la dasyat. I leave home at 6.35am and arrive school at 7.22am, and 7.21am dah merah on the punch card. Honestly, semanjak start sekolah ni baru 3 kali I awal...tension ke tak? You cannot expect me to leave the house at 6.20am, sapa nak supervise my kids? What much can a father does? Karang kena aikido my kids dek bapak dia pepagi, as dia pun blood senang go upstairs! My kids ni lain sikit, Adam especially, bila mandi kena tanya gosok gigi ke tak, dah sabun seluruh badan ke, sikat rambut biar kemas..semalam dia pegi sekolah pakai singlet terbalik. Sarah pulak, kalau you tak observe, pakai kasut pun terbalik. Tension ke tak?
Kalau la I mati besok, macam mana la bebudak ni? Masa I pegi Japan 8 hari pun, my hubby took care of the boys only, the girls dok dgn my mom as the maid balik kampung. So Alhamdulillah bila I balik umah tak le macam tongkang pecah.
Ni keje sekolah bertimbun lagi ni, Thursday ni nak kena observe pulak. Keja umah pun banyak ni, kena tutor the kids lagi. Luckily ada cuti Thaipusam, so long weekend, if I keje on Saturday, I've only Sunday to rest and settle housechores..I simply cannot wait for 15 April 2009.
In the pic: The fate of the truck, a birthday gift for my youngest brother from my mom, back in 1993. Dapat kat my kids, truck beli kat ceruk dunia mana pun hancur. Ben is striking a pose on the beheaded toy.
Takut nya Ida tengah marah.
Nagging mum Yo!(You aint sick babe...its err the woman hormon talking)But dont make this a habit.Its ruining the beauty of life, quicken the forming of wrinkles,and caving you in insanity.
Breath now, Inhale...exhale....;-)
I kalau nag pun tak memanjang-manjang sampai semua org kena. In addition, I nag in English, so it does not really sound like i berleter...hahhaha
Ida, kak teh dah tak larat nak nag. Depa semua dah besark. Tapi sekali sekala tu, kenalah juga.
Hehe, it is better to nag in English. Like Lenzaidi, I am also advising you to: Inhale...exhale...
Tq Kak Teh,
I mulut maybe jahat kat luar je, but dalam hati tak de simpan apa-apa..
Nak berletiaq pun kena tgk tempat jugak, kekadang I buat2 tak nampak je..tak mau stress la..
5 tahun i jadi housewipe..i dah butakan mata dan bisukan mulut..penat nak becakap!! selagi x penuh kaca atas lantai..i biar je haha....i can understand ur frustration and irritation...membuak2 dlm dada ni but pejam mata, tarik napas...biaq pi lah haha...at least kitchen, i make sure kemas sbb i x blh buat keja kalau dapo selerak...
but nnt pindah rumah baru..haaaa i tau la nak jd tarzan mcmana kan...anyway..tarik napas dalam2, fuhhhhhhh...sure lega
Tq Lyana..
Ni tgh tarik napas dalam2 ni...senseinya tak de umah, so bebudak memain semasa sendiri la..if he was around, he would wrestle with the kids, and then with me..hahahhah
I wonder kenapa la my kids ni I cakap byk kali depa tak paham, tapi bila suzalie cakap sekali je, terus buat...tu la yg i bising tu..
sama le dgn my kids..kalau dgn papa depa..ckp sekali je...kalau dgn i ni..berbuih2 mulut mcm org kena sawan tu berckp, depa bkn dgr sgt pun...kkdg i kena buat drama dulu br la dtg kiss me all over my face...ni yusuf bwk kwn dia dgn budak2 tu kluar...mula2 i nak ikut but it is minus 15 kat luar tu so better for me to stay inside, crawl under the blanket with a book :D
HAHAHAH i love this but i dont know why . ahah :P
ni sensei dah balik (now is 11.30pm), sarah and adam punya la happy..i dok main scrabble kat FB.
Tadi i tunjuk lah kat sensei my tangan terluka sebab sentai bilik mandi, dia punya tunjuk concern..dia kata awat p susah2 cuci bilik mandi..chewah, i know la where all this nice words will lead to....hahahha..ni dia ada kat sini tgh kira duit, dia kirim salam..
mastika..i know why u like this posting..sebab yg ni u paham and terkena batang hidung u as ur mom mesti pernah nag kat u...hahhaha
u study smart, girl
pn ida!
chill2. :)
kids are kids. hehe :D
Tak pa, Ida....nag on...hihi! Semua semua tu nanti jadi kenangan mengusik jiwa bila anak anak dah besar :D
Dear Faa,
Yeah kids are kids...u apasal tak tido lagi ni?
Dear Kak Naz,
You are right, bila the kids tido umah my mom, rasa sunyi pulak..takut pulak bila tinggal i dgn my hubby je..simply cannot imagine without my kids la..
waalaikumsalam sensei :D...tgh2 mlm kira duit mcm tokey kedai ni haha...
haha."i x suke bising2 pepagi".omg .the same sentence i heard almort every morning.haha.its normal for mum to nag.haha.
As a daugther,i really hate it.haha.i prefer to listen to my dad.y?daddy tak nag .haha.
Just relax .calm down.all mom will do the same thing.-nagging-
I pun suka bising2 nih...especially to my hubby sbbnya Najeeb is too small to understand every single words that I nag..it's quite healthy to nag coz kalo u pendam2 nnt jadi volcano pulak satu hari nnt..betul tak?
orang rawo memang suko mombising ..biaso la tuuu..kalo ontok2 nnt orang ingat kawu bisu...hihi
Sama la kita
1. - Suara i pun paling kuat kot kat my housing area ni, sb i tak penah dengaq pun suara org lain cemgitu
2. - My 3 kids + my hubby = taufan katrina
I.K, ur mom bising sebab she cares for you..so u better be nice..
aku indo tahen dediom ajo..paneih ati ku...
ni I maleh cakap ngan suzalie..sebab dia silap cakap dgn i tadi..so silent treatment la ni..indo ku podah!
Kak Ezza,
Tapi I tau ada neighbour I dok unit ataih ni mulut dia lagi bising, sebab dia selalu maki maid Indon dia..buruk bunyik nya..at least I tak suka maki-hamun..wa cool je, cuma bak kata my mom, kekadang mulut i macam racun..bisanya menusuk ke dalam woh..pueh hati i...
Hi Ida Hariati, I really enjoyed reading your this posting as its mixed Bahasa and English I boleh faham, bearing in mind my Bahasa is jurassic pre Merdeka, ha ha.
I couldn't help smiling like kerang nak masuk wok at your kids antics, arhaaa ha ha. Cute betul la.
And you have great kids too, all good looking.
Love that cute one, 2nd on the truck...she's adorable, gorgeous! Ikut mak dia.
Ida, I really love your style of humour, and ha ha asking your hubby get a "bisu wife", Ha ha.
You are hilarious Ida!
Oh ya, I just copied your kang kong Cinta Berahi recipie and gave to my isteri. I told her bila makan will feel like on the beach at Pantai Cinta Berahi in Kota Bahru, can hear waves splashing to shore and the Trade winds caresssing the palm trees.
Holy Smoke! You have 4 kids? Hmmm, don't look like mother of 4, *wink*.
Have fun and a great week, Ida...Lee.
Dear Lee,
Yup, I have 4 kids...hahhaha.So, i cannot help it but to yap yap yap... Tq for checking out my kangkong cinta berahi. The name is a bit too much, though, but my hubby just loves it so much. ZI could see the look of love on his face when eating the dish..hahahah
Saw the steamed fish pic in ur blog..my goodness, sedapnya. Being a Sino-Kadazan, my hubby is very much into Chinese cuisine,so I kena belajar la..
Regards to ur lovely wife and have a progressive week ahead!
Laa Ida..lantaklah toys tu..biarkan rosak asalkan the kids don't hurt themselves.
Don't try too hard to keep everything spick and span..biasalah budak2 and their daddy-o.
You kena belajar tolerate banyak benda sis.
Jangan get stressed..just relax your mind and smile yes?
Dear mamasita,
Tq so much for your kind words, yeah, i'll keep calm. Stress sebab family tak pe..i benci bila stress due to work..ahh mintak nyawa!
IDA HARIATI! HOLY SMOKE! Is that YOU in the profile pic?
I had a double look, my head turned to look sampai my neck ada bunyi 'creaak'. WOW! And once more, WOW!
No wonder la hubby ta'nak perumpuan bisu, arhaaaa ha ha.
Hmmm, talk about traffic stopper looks.
For one moment I thought I had accidentally popped into JR punya blog, ha ha.
Incase you hear a whistling sound, its not a UFO landing behind your residence...its a Canadian wolf whistle, *wink*. Ha ha.
You have a nice evening with your Angels, Lee.
Gosh, going to make my next posting before Feb 14th, *wink* a real challenge, ha ha.
Salam..my 1st time here and I like it. I suka baca komen berjela dari your peminats. Nagging? I dont nag but I nag..hahaha.. nag yg berhemah gitu. I told my children, kalau tak suka I bersuara "then you choose a bisu gal as your wife".
Sabaq sabaq..i pun macam tu if not worse...sarang tebuan ni jangan kacau....
Decided to take a breather after working for close to ten years....tak tahan until my children.."mom, maybe you should go back to work"...I naik angin almost every day...hence, am working now again...need my space at leat during the day when the kids are mostly in school :)
Good gosh, Ms Ida!
Until today, I never realised my teachers in SAB were that awesome. Haha
I do however wonder if you remember me. It's been so so long. And even then, you were hardly in class long enough due to your lovely baby that was being nurtured in your womb. =)
Nevertheless, how're things for you? I *HAVE* heard SAB's being a bitch to students and teachers alike.
Excuse the language. =)
Aiya..i am blushing la now, very malu as u flatter me again...hahha.
This look is nothing much, won't stop the traffic pun..hahhah
Take care
Dear Miss Muffin,
tq for visiting..o, u suka cup cakes ye..i pun la.
now that i am down with fever, home is less polluted with noises as i am too sick to pay attention to details. But then my hubby pulak risau..he said tak ceria pulak..
Madam guardian,
ni i baru nak resign ni..let me be at home and straighten up things around here, then later i think of embarking on another job..
my kids are still small, so i believe they need me around.
Dear Jon,
Haiya! Of course i remember u, naughty boy...hahha. Tq for visiting. Wah now u big boy can simply use any language u like, huh? well, to put it nicely, what u think about ur alma mater is true, we are totally under stress here.
study smart and be a good boy..hahha
Hi Ida, drop by my place tomorrow petang, your time.
Drink a glass of iced water before coming, *wink*. Lee.
ok Lee, will gladly do..
oh...serupa je apa yang di nag.
worst for me coz I just came back from the hospital.
sakit dada la nagging ni kan.
but maybe its in our genes la...takleh nak wat apa
kak farah,
kalau i tak nag..i simpan dalam, if i simpan dalam nanti sekali meletup parah jadiknya...
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