I believe I have writtten a post late last night, but I serious don't know what has happened to it..Ahhh, perhaps the IT Gremlins have eaten it up anyway!
Well, hubby went to work with a smile on his face this morning. I noticed he ate something today before leaving. Usually (since I have started working), he would leave for work with that twisted look on his face. So I asked him as to why he was kinda cheerful, he said, "This is because you are at home...". Oh yes, I took EL today because Didi and Ben are down with fever and food poisoning. Sarah is having fever too.
You see, I cannot make myself not to worry about my kids. I would rather deal with my baby's poo and vomit than doing work in school. Teaching is fine, but when there are so many nitty-gritty bureaucratic what-ever-you-may-call-it things to do, I surrender.
My Principal refused to acccept my resignation letter. She wants me to go home and perform the Istiharah Prayer and wait for the Divine signs of the path I should partake in life. Well, I believe I have seen enough signs already. I am no stupid woman to ignore what's happening around me.
Well, I will try again tomorrow. I know the school needs to do a lot of adjustments when I leave, well, serve them right for dumping so many things on my head! I have no problem executing my duties, but if this means I have to enjoy less of my private time with my family, forget it..
I cannot allow anyone to trepass my personal boundary. Since the boss came up with this 7.20am-must-clock-in-or-you'll-be-late rule, my life has changed tremendously. You see, my usual practice of cuddling with hubby under the duvet before Subuh Prayer, has been totally scrapped off as I have to get ready before the azan. Now, you might think that this is so lame, well I think it is not! I am a warm blooded woman who needs lots of luv....
Furthermore, I hate to come home exhausted. I hate to see my family eating the food cooked by my maid as I am a firm believer in the 'air tangan' ibu. Call me old fashion, but that is just me..

As for today, I am preparing something very nice for the family. I am going to steam the Siakap with lots of ginger, stir-fry the sawi bunga and tempura fry the cauliflowers. I will also prepare some kerabu mangga. That's ideal food for us.
I know hubby loves me being at home as he was smilling from ear to ear this morning. I know he would call me after this to ask the progress of the fish in the steamer. The silky route to a man's heart is through his stomach..and of course, one needs to serve it with a dose of love and with lots of passion.
you are a good mother and a good wife, ida...:D
the siakap kukus tu i kena belajar dr u lah since yusuf likes it...ah, today i masak samah ur fav tu...i promise one day i msak for u lagi tau..only this time better :D than last time yg keras mcm getah tu hah
Lyana, bila u balik sini, kita buat makan-makan..kita makan and makan...hahhahahhahah
yeah, kita makan dan makan dan makan haha
waaaa I heart siakap kukus!!!
Hopefully my cousin who is doing a lengang perut kenduri next saturday will be bringing some fresh fish and seafood...she always days..dia station kat pulau as a bidan.
Yes Ida...air tangan itu memang lebih berkhat. I selalu kena leter dengan my mom pasal ni...laki kao balik takde buat kopi ke, katanya..I still have a lot to improve..
I think its not fair for the principal to do that to you. What good a teacher is to the students if their heart is somewhere else kan?
I pun dah lama tak kerja eversince we moved to Cali so when I told him that im looking for a job (part-time aje) dia kata its gonna be weird sbb he's so used to having me at home. Tapi masalahnya susah nak dpt kerja kat sini. huhu.
Dear ladies,
Today semua dah settle, thank God! But one study who has been visiting my blog asked me of my resignation..he asked why, kesian i tgk dia..but he knows i have made up my mind..he promised not to spill the beans. I do not know what the students' reaction will be..
Yeah, air tangan ni penting..ni today is Saturday..tadi sekolah ganti, we started at 7.20am..lepas tu meeting sampailah 7.15pm..now balik umah i dah tak larat..ni menaip sambil meniarap...penat oo..
typo..bukan study..student la
being a mother and lover to hubby is a skill too.
do what you want to do lady.
live life the way you want,,,,and be happy.
or just be a beach bum like me !!!!
Capt's Longhouse
aiye..aiye..captain..but i hope not to be the beach bum! :)
hi ida...
nice blog. i agree w every single word abt sch u mentioned here. kalau la i bole buat macam mana u buat skarang,... alangkah bahagianya i.......
just me,
ur buddy at work :)
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